Interview with BMT Micro Award winner, Alaattin Köprülü

Q: Hi Alaattin, for the people who don't know you, can you introduce yourself?
A: Certainly! I was born in Istanbul in 1967. In 1993, I started working at OMCO as an operator responsible for engravings. 

Q: Why did you choose to work for OMCO?
A: OMCO was my first job after completing military service, and I’ve stayed because I value stability and continuity.

Q: How do you think your colleagues would describe you?
A: Those who know me well appreciate my work, but I might come across as reserved to others.

Q: Interviewer: What does a typical workday look like for you?
A: Alaattin: My work involves precision. I prefer working alone because I have significant responsibilities, especially when it comes to the final details on moulds. A mistake affects everyone, so I focus intensely.

Q: What’s the most important aspect of your job?
A: While machines handle engravings, I manually handle intricate details. Precision is crucial.

Q: What projects are you currently involved in?
A: It changes frequently, but I’m always committed to giving my best in anything that comes my way.

Q: Do you have any professional goals for 2024?
A: I live in the moment and adapt to whatever comes my way.

Q: What did you think about the BMT Award?
A: It wasn’t about competition; it was a pleasant surprise. Feeling valued by my foreman means a lot. While I focus on daily goals, the award is a nice bonus.

Q: How would you describe working for OMCO?
A: Challenging yet fulfilling. I’ve learned a great deal here.

Q: Any advice for new OMCO employees?
A: Always ask questions—even if you think you know something already.

Q: If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to work for OMCO?
A: Absolutely! I’d go back to 1993 in a heartbeat, preferably with the management we have today. I have seen positive evolutions during my career here.