Graduated as engineer or enjoying your first work experience and ready to venture onto new paths? Paths which will boost your personal development, technical knowledge and make you discover the world? Connecting to multiple cultures which will take you outside your comfort zone. Learning to analyze processes and use all gathered info to make deliberate decisions with our diverse team.

Already getting excited? Then we have the ideal opportunity for you! 


Together with 3 other young engineers, you will start the program. The four of you will be introduced within the organization during a common week in Belgium. You will learn more about our way of working within several departments and on the shop floor itself of course. This will give you a head start for the rest of the program. 

After this introduction, some longer periods of working abroad are planned (e.g. India, Romania, Belgium). You will learn on the fly and by doing. Especially by working together with several teams in several countries with several types of technologies. In each country, we will challenge the four of you with all the necessary support you need. A personal mentor will always be there for you. 

The program will take one year and a half. After this period, you continue working with us in order to further build your career.

At the moment the program is completely filled. Keep an eye on this page if you want to stay up to date with new upcomming projects.

Would you like to join us anyhow?

-> Apply spontaneous or have a look at the other vacancies.

Looking forward to the moment your CV pops up!



  • Meet Bart & Maneesh during their assignment in Romania!

    They started working at IGW in June 2022. During the first seven months of their job they learned to know the local plant where they were hired. In their case it’s IGW India and IGW Belgium. After that period, they already left on their first international assignment in Iasi, Romania concerning heat treatment deformations & milling machine efficencies. This assignment has a duration of three months. Time enough to learn about the local plant, the team, culture and country.

  • The assignment itself:

    Kicked off with a Six Sigma Green Belt Project Training. What they really like so far about the project is the freedom they get, but in a guided way by their mentors. The project is really hands-on, they spend most of my day on the shopfloor taking measurements, analyzing processes, and talking with operators and team leaders. The great thing about this is, that the operators are really supportive and open to new improvements and ideas.

  • Learning to know colleagues, the country, and each other

    The advantage of an international assignment is of course the perfect opportunity to discover new cultures. Bart & Maneesh visited the beautiful mountain area West of Iasi. They cooked for each other some typical Indian and Belgian food. And every evening they get the chance to visit Iasi, a great vibrant city with lots of things to fill the evening with.

    • Great restaurants,
    • Cinemas,
    • Bowling,…

"What I really like so far about the project is the freedom I get, I get a lot of responsibility to achieve the goal but I am guided in a very good way by my mentors."

- Bart Tyskens -

🔗 Read more about Bart's experience as a young engineer at IGW



  • Meet Teodor Jinga

    Teodor is 24 years old and has a master in safety engineering. He already has some experience working for Airbus and decided to join our young development program, mainly because of the opportunity to work abroad and gain new experiences.

  • Meet Anna Gregoriou

    Anna from Cyprus, but is no stranger to Belgium. After finishing her studies at the KU Leuven, she was convinced to join the young potential program. She wants to expand her professional and personal skills, while exploring the the different countries our IGW plants are located.

  • Meet Suraj Shelke

    Suraj is a real globetrotter, as he finished his master in design in India and already has experience at a previous job located in London. Suraj is mostly excited to travel to multiple countries, while gaining a ton of experience.

    Fun fact: Suraj worked with our first generation young potential Shubham Dhokale. After seeing his route in the program, Suraj was sold to join as well.

  • Meet Amol Jagtap

    Amol has a master in machine and compressor design. He already has four years of R&D experience. To expand his horizons and knowhow, Amol was eager to join the program.

    Fun fact: As well as Suraj, Amol was inspired by Shubham's parcours at IGW as one of the first young potentials.