Interview with BMT Micro Award winner, Himanshu Jain

Can you introduce yourself?

Hi, I'm Himanshu, 28 years old. I am a product engineer with 7 years of experience in the gear manufacturing industry. In January 2021, I joined IGW India.

Why did you choose to work for IGW?

I have experience in gears from my previous job. In the world of gears, IGW is a leader and has a big range of gears, so to work here would have been a big step ahead to build my career.

How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

My colleagues would likely describe me as approachable and supportive, someone who readily engages in communication and helps when needed. As one of the earliest members to join our Engineering hub, I've accumulated knowledge across various aspects of our work, making others feel at ease seeking advice from me.

As a founding member, can you give some examples of the challenges you faced?

A big challenge, in the beginning, was to lay the foundation of Windchill-QAD data migration for IGW BE and train the team to fully understand it as well.

What is the most important aspect for you in a job?

For me, continuous learning is a must. I like the opportunity to learn something new and develop a new skillset and get new responsibilities.

Can you describe a typical day at IGW?

A typical day at IGW is a busy day. There are a lot of different projects going on in multiple sites, so there is always a wide variety of work. Teams collaborate on projects, providing ample opportunities for learning through discussions and shared experiences.

What projects are you currently involved in?

Currently, I am involved in two main projects: the Global Time Calculation Tool (Glotical) and Product Engineering support to IGW Belgium. The Glotical time calculation tool was developed to address disparities arising from variations in machines, processes, and tools across IGW's four plants (BE, RO, IN, CN). This unified tool enables us to prepare quotations more effectively and fosters collaboration among process experts from all plants.

Do you have goals for 2024 on a professional level?

I want to improve my project management skills and earn a corresponding skill badge. Additionally, I aim to further immerse myself in Visual Basic programming.

Did you expect to win a BMT Award?

I did not expect it. Especially on the day of the handover, the team really made an effort to make it a surprise and a celebration. I felt very honored to receive this award and see it as a testament to the work I've done since starting at IGW.

How would you describe working for IGW?

At IGW, you get opportunities to learn and grow. It's up to the person to take them, but if you want, you can grow a lot and create your own path in your career.

What tips would you give someone who just started working for IGW?

Never say no to any kind of work. Take the opportunity to work on multiple things and be involved in multiple projects. This way, you have a full understanding of how things operate, and your skillset will improve drastically.